Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Box Portrait / Never Done Before

This was all done by working with the right side of my brain as much as possible.
 What I did was set the materials I was gonna work with in front of me and let my hands move and grab things without thinking about it.
For the charcoal pieces I didn't have any input or intention, I just let my hands make whatever. For the paintings I focused on one word the whole time (either "Inspiration", "Joy", or "Fear") and tried to hold that feeling and bring up memories associated with it while I worked.
For the news clippings I sifted through a big ol stack of newspapers, tore out ones that stuck out and stuck them to the wall without thinking about it.
I found that while I was working I had no idea where it was going, but after I was done with each part I was satisfied and felt like it belonged, did what it needed to do, etc.

Some nifty effects of trying to live out of the right side of my brain:
I could use my left hand way more effectively - About half of the art in the room was done with my left hand, and my hands would often pass the tool between them as I worked and could operate with pretty equal efficiency. My writing with my left hand (and other basic motor functions) became way faster.
My internal monologue and background brain-noise changed. Rather than being a voice and words, my thoughts were more color and feeling-based. I found that my left brain would become uncomfortable with the ambiguity of my thoughts and would go out of its way to narrate my actions and thoughts.
My sense of identity shifted so that my thoughts, self-image, and notions about myself became another aspect of me, rather than the whole truth. My relationship to myself became much more amorphous. In a way it was a sort of dissociation, where the part of me that I identified as the core of my being-ness took a step back and just observed everything. From this point of view it was hard to take anything too seriously.
I also found that I could stay up way later without getting tired and wake up earlier. My appetite was also decreased, but I was still energetic.




Here's some video links of the box room:
(I couldn't find a way to play the music with the video, so I'll link to that as well)



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