Friday, April 9, 2010

Invisible Bike Lock

1) Do you find bike locks annoying? 
2) Would you like to have this in your bike?
3) Any other suggestions/comments to further this invention?
4) Can you think of any other names for this invention?
5) Do you think the consumer should have the option of installing this in their bike or just having it on the outside?


  1. 1) Do you find bike locks annoying?
    sometimes - when it's cold out and my fingers won't undo the lock

    2) Would you like to have this in your bike?
    No - I like the visual detourance of a lock

    3) Any other suggestions/comments to further this invention?

    how will people be detoured if there is not visual marker,
    maybe one that unlocks like a car beep lock

    4) Can you think of any other names for this invention?

    not good at naming

    5) Do you think the consumer should have the option of installing this in their bike or just having it on the outside?

    option - well - unless it costs the same

  2. 1) Do you find bike locks annoying?

    Yes I do. You have to lug them around and I really like biking while carrying nothing.

    2) Would you like to have this in your bike?
    I would, but I don't like the idea that the bike can still be taken. Even if
    you can get your bike back after it is taken, it seems like an extra headache, and who knows if the bike will still be in tact.

    3) Any other suggestions/comments to further this invention?

    what if the chip was also a super strong electromagnetic that
    works with various ferro magnetic surfaces around the city.

    4) Can you think of any other names for this invention?


    5) Do you think the consumer should have the option of installing this in their bike or just having it on the outside?

    both. options are good.

  3. Do you find bike locks annoying?
    Yes, I could use those extra minutes to get to class on time!

    Would you like to have this in your bike?
    It would be nice if everything worked properly. I'm kind of nervous that people would start cutting them out of bikes and sell them for money.

    Any other suggestions/comments to further this invention?

    Maybe rethink how the alarm is activated. What if the wind pushed your tire a little and you thought somebody had stolen your bike.

    Also if there was a phone application what had the gps of your bike so you could see where your bike is at all times from your phone or follow it if your bike is being stolen.

    Can you think of any other names for this invention?

    Always Safe
    Thief Snitch

    Do you think the consumer should have the option of installing this in their bike or just having it on the outside?

    The option is always nice.
